Microturbine power station was built near Sochi for spa-resort power supply.


Power station with total electric output of 1 MW will generate electric power for the need of Rus spa-resort. The customer of the equipment is the Department of Presidential Affairs of Russian Federation. The project was developed by Yuventa-Stroy Company. Saturn JSC is the general contractor for the project. The main power equipment was supplied by Electrosystems Ltd. (Saint-Petersburg).

The station consists of 10 Capstone TA-100 RCHP microturbines each rated at 100 kW, output voltage is 400 V. The station operates in trigeneration mode. It is equipped with two Shuangliang Eco-Energy Systems Company Ltd. absorption chillers. Chillers each rated at 1400 kW operate on hot water. Utilized thermal power is supplied to existing grid.



Дата публикации: 
Sat, 06/25/2011
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