Abstract |
Turbines & Diesels Magazine
№5 (September-October) 2024
- Application of technological innovations in gas turbine service
- New line of steam turbines of JSC "UTZ" with capacity up to 200 MW
- Influence of air filtration systems of gas turbines on its operational characteristics
- KMPO power plant - an affordable alternative to foreign power equipment
- Modern solutions for creating run-in seals
- Development of industrial engines PS-90GP-2, PS-90GP-25 with low-emission combustion chambers for GPA and GTES
- Application of domestic software and hardware complex in the development of automatic control system for GTES
- Development of control system for active magnetic bearings in JSC GT Energo
- Heinrich Tapp Rus: new reality – new opportunities
- 85th anniversary of the Ural Turbine Plant.
- Steam turbine PT-150/160-12,8 for reconstruction of power units with K-160-130.
- Modern heat exchange and auxiliary equipment developed and manufactured by Ural turbine works JSC.
- Updating the principles of steam turbine creating.
- Mathematical modeling and field tests of cogeneration steam turbine with electrical load drop.
- Single-cylinder Kp-77-6,8 steam turbine with axial exhaust pipe.
- Modern steam turbine condensers designed and manufactured by Ural turbine plant JSC.
- Gas-dynamic modeling of exhaust hoods of heat-generating steam turbines in low-flow operating modes.
- CNPC Jichai gas engine power plants will be assembled in Russia.
- DELTA dual-fuel system for diesel generator sets.
- The ignition system of a gas turbine on natural gas with glow plug.
- Perm Motors research and production complex to small power industry of Russia.
- Digitalization of production processes in complex mechanical engineering.
- Low-voltage complete devices manufactured by INGK-PROMTECH LLC.
- Development of two-rotor blowers for barrier air of gas pumping units.
- Forward to the future!
- Usage of the modern bearing supports in the design of centrifugal compressors.
- What kind of product lifecycle management system is necessary today?
- Technical progress in the development of new bearing materials of friction units.
- Fundamentals of the design methodology of turbo expanders for Gazprom PJSC facilities..
- Development of a domestic mobile compressor plant with ICL Baker Hughes motor compressor.
- Operational experience of gas pumping unit GPU-32 Ladoga.
- Choice of domestic heat-resistant alloy for the T32 gas turbine combustion chamber.
- Taif Rave turbine oils: successful operation in foreign gas turbines.
- Production capabilities of Gazenergoservice JSC for repair and manufacture of components of gas turbines and gas pumping units.
- Gas turbine plant monitoring as a tool to ensure the reliability of operation.
- Study of the working process of a gas-diesel engine using ammonia as a main fuel.
- The effect of the intake system configuration on the power of a 7.5/6.0 diesel engine.
- Multifunctional additives for diesel fuel: mechanism of action, efficiency, problems.
- Independent software for gas engine power plants.
- Gazenergoservice JSC – the main repair base of the country.
- Modular approaches and algorithms for the creation of steam turbines.
Advanced technologies of low-emission combustion.
Investigation of physico-chemical processes in a hydrodynamic cavitator.
The design scheme of the intake air filtering and conditioning units of the INGK-Promtech.
Locomotive of Tyumen.
New HiMSEN H54DFV & H32CV engines with two-stage turbocharging system.
Application of the new standard on explosive environments for the classification of explosive zones in gas pumping units compartments.
Potential for improving the design of the main and auxiliary equipment of steam turbine plants.
The capacity of the diesel power station on the Kuril Island of Paramushir has been increased.
- A universal stationary gas engine oil.