The Modern Gas Turbine Technologies Company (MGTT) conducted the first extended inspection of the SGT5-4000F gas turbine hot path in the history of the enterprise with an assessment of the resource of the components. The inspection of the gas turbine was carried out within the framework of a long-term maintenance agreement concluded with EL5-Energo PJSC. The SGT5-4000F gas turbine at Nevinnomysskaya GRES has one of the highest operating life in the territory of the Russian Federation. The scope of the inspection at the GTU included comprehensive defecation and repair of the turbine flow part, replacement of the hot part blade unit, cleaning of burner devices, as well as re-commissioning.
At the MGTT production site in the Leningrad Region, it was possible to modernize several burner devices in a short time, as well as manufacture components for work on optimizing the position of the gas turbine rotor, eliminate defects associated with high operating time and identified during the inspection.