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IN BRIEF #2-2022Gazprom energoholding industrial assets LLC: working on the principle of a "single contact" Gazprom energoholding industrial assets, specialized division of Gazprom energoholding group, was established in 2019. The purpose of the creation is to consolidate assets in the field of power engineering and provide maintenance and repair with the provision of services according to the principle of a single contact.
Combustion analysis in a natural gas engine with pre-chamber to improve thermal efficiency. The usage of cogeneration gas engine system is getting popular due to the increase of shale gas supply and also to the inherently clean exhaust gas emissions. The 1 MW class gas cogeneration system is expected to be spread rapidly in the near future. The objective of this study is to propose a gas engine cogeneration system with high thermal efficiency, leading to reduction in CO2 emission, which can provide a stable power supply as the supplement of unstable renewable green energy power systems like wind or solar power. Gas engine with a pre-chamber can attain both low NOx emission and high thermal efficiency by lean boosted combustion. Since the ignition mechanism of gas-air mixture inside the main chamber by the flame jet is not well understood, the optimization of the geometry of combustion chamber is not realized. Numerical analyses were conducted by changing the geometry of combustion chamber. The result was evaluated experimentally. Ignitability and durability of spark plug is common issues.
MAN E3872 LE – new gas engine with Atkinson cycle. MAN Engines designed MAN E3872 as a four-stroke spark-ignition gas engine with a displacement of 29.6 litres, a bore of 138 mm and a stroke of 165 mm. With the 735 kW it produces, MAN Engines is now able to supply gas engines with a significantly higher power output. At the same time, the engine manufacturer from Nuremberg, Germany, is remaining true to its philosophy of achieving high power density. Thus, the new MAN E3872 series is based on the proven and compact platform of the 25.8-litre MAN E3262. To achieve the significantly increased output of 735 kW, the engineers at MAN Engines have incorporated numerous conceptual innovations. The basis for this is the existing crankcase of the MAN E3262, which has been in use since 2010. This means that empirical data from many millions of operating hours are available. Given the fact that the bore has been increased from 132 to 138 mm and the stroke from 157 mm to 165, steps were taken to increase the robustness of the crankcase.
Increasing of the economic efficiency of gas turbine power plant due to the introduction of evaporative type air cooling system. The article presents the analyzes the influence of the main parameters of outdoor air on the characteristics of gas turbine power plant. The method of increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of gas turbine plant operation by cooling the air at the inlet to the axial compressor in the context of one day is considered. The basic principles of air cooling are presented. The overview of the evaporative type cyclic air cooling system is given, its advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. The method of calculation of the considered air cooling system is presented. The analysis of the increase in the efficiency of gas turbine plant during the period of high outdoor temperatures is carried out. The analysis of the influence of the evaporative type cooling system of the gas turbine plant was carried out on the basis of the project for implementation.
On-site power plant at the Sukhonsky cardboard and paper mill. Specialists of Valdex Energetika company as a general contractor and the Austrian division of MWM have put into commercial operation the first stage of a new energy complex for the power supply of the Sukhonsky cardboard and paper mill. The company located in Sokol, Vologda Region, is part of the United paper mills group, one of Russia's largest exporters of pressed cardboard. The general contractor of the project implemented the project on a turnkey basis. Thanks parallel manufacturing of the main components, the company completed the construction of the power unit in a short time. From signing the contract to the launch of the TCG 2032 V16 generator set manufactured by MWM, only 11 months have passed.
UEC-Aviadvigatel: new experience of modernization of engines for gas turbine power plants. For the first time in the practice of UEC Aviadvigatel, JSC the specialists of the design bureau carried out the conversion of engines under operating conditions. The revision took place as part of the restoration of the efficiency of the Ural-4000 gas turbine power plants owned by Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. As part of the Sakhalin-2 project three Ural-4000 Perm-made gas turbine power plants were delivered to Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. The operation of the GTPP at the NKS-2 compressor station began in March 2010. Power plants operate in a simple cycle, using natural gas as fuel. GTES are installed in an open site, their operation is carried out in high humidity, seismic instability, periodic typhoons and cyclones. The power units are manufactured in explosion-proof and earthquake-resistant design, with an increased number of gas analyzers; they are equipped with new modifications of the gas dispenser controller.
Extending of spark plugs service life. Purchasing costs of fast-wearing components and expendable materials is one of the most important expenditure items for owners and operators of gas engine power plants. The most expensive item among them during the operation of the plants is spark plugs. To increase the profit every manufacturer of gas engines tries to create advanced expendable materials and in result to monopolize in such a way aftermarket coverage of the equipment. However, as in the case of other components, spark plugs are manufactured at production facilities of original manufacturers which deliver wide assortment of other products. Schedule of spark plugs exchange is settled by manufacturers. Usually, it reaches 80…4000 operating hours. However, by using additional technological tools and materials it is possible to extend spark plugs service life by two and sometimes three times. They include SparkView portable device, CleaMot plugs cleaning kit, GapTool adjuster of spark plugs gap, regulator of spark plug seating position, dielectric lubricant and sealing metal ring. |
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