IN BRIEF #3-2022The way for import substitution is opened. The third wave of Western economic sanctions affecting the Russian energy sector was put into effect in the summer of 2014. Thus, the United States and the EU countries tried to limit the supply of equipment to our country necessary for the development of new fields, including the resources of the Arctic, the deep-sea shelf, hard-to-recover deposits of Western Siberia. The imposed sanctions have become an additional impetus for the Russian government to search for alternative solutions aimed at reducing the dependence of the domestic oil and gas complex on imported equipment.
Self-tuning artificial intelligence improves plant efficiency and flexibility. Flexible plant operations are highly desirable in today’s power generation industry. Every plant owner desires increased ramp rates and the ability to operate at lower loads so their plants will remain in the money longer in today’s competitive power markets. This goal, while laudable, remains elusive. The ADEX self-tuning artificial intelligence system allows plants to continuously optimize plant performance at any operating point rather than being constrained to a static design point commonly found in gas- and coal-fired plants.
Long-term maintenance of Ladoga-32 units. In October 2021 within the framework of the X St. Petersburg International Gas Forum Alexander Rogov, General Director of Gazprom Energoholding Industrial Assets LLC, and Yuri Lebedev, General Director of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC, signed a contract on long-term maintenance of 8 Ladoga-32 gas pumping units operated at the Amur Gas Processing Plant. The contract is designed for 10 years or 72 thousand equivalent operating hours. Contractual obligations included scheduled maintenance of equipment, engineering support of the maintenance service, full provision of spare parts and materials for routine maintenance. The contract became a pilot project of Gazprom Energoholding Industrial Assets LLC as a part of the implementation of a comprehensive strategy to ensure long-term branded equipment maintenance of the entire product line of the company.
FAZZH-1 nanomodifier of Spectra company improves the efficiency of the internal combustion engines. Improving of internal combustion engines and other equipment efficiency through the use of a nanomodifier of domestic development is of great importance both for operating organizations and for the Russian industry as a whole. In the current market situation when the supply of lubricants, new aggregates, spare parts is significantly limited and their cost has increased significantly, the use of friction modifiers (additives) is becoming especially in demand. In most cases the friction of parts and assemblies of aggregates plays a negative role reducing the level of efficiency. An increase in the friction force leads to a loss of energy which is the main cause of parts wear. To reduce the negative effects of friction oils and lubricants are used as the main lubricating element. Spectra company has developed an advanced resource- and energy-saving technology for the manufacture and application of the nanomodifier FAZZH-1 - a solution of neutral carbon atoms distributed in a hydrocarbon liquid.
Cogeneration power stations at the fields is an effective way to convert APG into electrical and thermal energy. At the end of 2021 the five -year anniversary was celebrated by the Usa energy center - the largest on-site power station at the fields of Komi Republic. The work of the autonomous energy center is another convincing example of the effective use of the cogeneration cycle for the energy conversion of associated petroleum gas.On November 25, 2016, Lukoil Komi introduced cogeneration power station at the Usinsk oil field. The construction was carried out by Lukoil-Energoengineering LLC. The use of the main equipment of domestic production and the use of innovative technologies at all stages of construction made it possible to complete he project in 14 months.
Setting of the ignition timing angle on a gas engine. One of the most important parameters of the ignition system of a gas engine is the advance angle, or the angle at which the crankshaft has time to turn from the moment the spark occurs until the piston reaches the top dead center (TDC). It is by adjusting this angle that we achieve the best fuel combustion parameters in the cylinder, and, accordingly, stable operation and high engine efficiency. The article presents how to adjust the angle. The setting of the ignition timing angle of the internal combustion engine can be divided into three stages: preparatory, configuration, angle determination and start.The controller is configured using the MICT - MOTORTECH Integrated Configuration Tool software (running on the Windows operating system). Using a USB type A – USB type B cable (you can easily find it in the office of any organization), the connection to the controller is made.
Tominsky mining and processing complex power station. High technologies in the sphere of distributed power generation. The largest gas engine power station in Russia with a capacity of 207 MW provides consumers of the Tominsky mining and processing complex in the Chelyabinsk region with eletric and thermal energy. The maintenance and operation of the station is carried out by ENGEN specialists. 22 B35:40V20AG2 gas engine power plants manufactured by Rolls-Royce each rated at 9410 kW are operated as part of the station. The electrical efficiency of the units is 48.2 %. The advantage of medium-speed B35:40 engines is high availability for operation and low lifetime costs.
Reconstruction of the automation system of gas engine power station in the city of Anadyr (Chukotka Autonomous Area). The effective operation of multi-unit power stations of various types depends not only on the reliability of the power plants themselves, but also on the quality of the station's control systems. VladModul Company together with the Dutch company Terberg have developed the program for the reconstruction of Terberg control systems for a gas-powered thermal power station in Anadyr. Specialists of VladModul LLC carried out full functional diagnostics, examined electronic modules, controllers and checked power switching electrical equipment. According to the results of the inspection, the current degree of wear of the systems over 15 years of operation was revealed and the necessary measures for the complete replacement of control system equipment were determined. |
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